Monday, May 30, 2011

PT+Pass the message/ Counting game+ whole of saturday?

Heya people :D

Saturday... We had quite a long day... Both fun yet straining... Yeah...

Anyway, let's begin hmm?

Started the day with some pt... Had a light run followed by 5bx or 5 basic exercises.... 20 pushups, 20 crunches, 20 rangers, 20 berpies and 20 jumping jacks... Yeah. Struggled with pushups.... My arm strength was always the worst... Mehh. Needa work on it... Still working...

Breakfast was nice :D *Considering how hungry I was lol* XD Volunteered for clean-up but there were nothing much to clean lol

Anyway, proceeded to pass the message... Mainly we stand on a 8x8 grid with random numbers pasted face-down on them... And we had to pass a ball in a correct order without communicating... So we had to be very aware about the numbers... Later at the end, we were allowed to communicate all of a sudden... And everything was a mess.... So yeah... Learning point there...

Basically, we learnt when to talk and when not to / when to keep quiet... Yeah...

After this game was the disability game.... Yeah... Apparently I was blind-folded for the first round of games.... One of the station games was passing through a hoop while holding on to a rafia string... Simple you think? But I was blind-folded remember...? Haha... Yeah... Learnt to trust my teammates a lot... Yeah... *Luckily I'm quite audio... So it's still not so bad I guess....*

Personally I think being muted is the worst... Cause even if you have an idea, you can't say it out. Which is daaammmmnnnn frustrating... Yeah... I was muted once... And it's kinda hard to stop a habit... Especially when you hit someone by accident... So I accidentally apologised. lol For once apologizing is a bad thing lol.

This game, to me was a lot about communication and such... So yeah. Guess we were ok as a group... However sometimes, we just left the blinded alone there not doing anything... Yeah.

Next was some game with an internal committee with the others getting pt-ed... So in this game, was a lot to do with encouragement, as well as trying not to crack under pressure... Yeah...

Had lunch after that.... Quite good :D:D We discussed quite a bit about talent time too.... Fixed the plot etc. Speaking of which... Talent time is like a performance thing... Each group was given a sentence and we were suppose to come out with a story relating to that sentence, as well as include a compulsory action in our performance... As there were 7 groups, there were seven scenes, and they were somehow related... And it was our job to impromptu the bridging in between our scenes... Which was kinda.... Unpredictable... lol 

Shall tell you how it went later...

Shall continue again sometime... GTG liao lol

Till next time hmm?
See ya folks :)

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